Let’s Talk!
T: +31 (0) 6 15 568 856
E: info@margrietosinga.nl

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Margriet Osinga is a freelance illustrator from Utrecht, The Netherlands and works both commercially and editorially.

Her work can be described as clever, clear and uncomplicated, with a recognizable color palette. She finds it interesting to translate words into images, by playing with shape and meaning.

Selected clients
De Volkskrant · Het Financieele Dagblad · Kosmos Uitgevers · Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities · Cineville · Universiteit Utrecht · Stichting Democratie en Media · Centre for BOLD Cities.

Foto: Janneke Aronson

All works © Margriet Osinga 2024  —  info@margrietosinga.nl   ︎  ︎  ︎  ︎